Sunday, January 25, 2009


As some of you may know the DTS started last week. During late we were really blessed with having the Call2All here in Dayton Ohio. So all last week we where at the Call2All. GOd is really doing something here in Dayton.  
At the Call there where speakers from Loren Cunningham (YWAM), Mark Anderson (IWT), Steve Douglass (Campus Crusade for Christ), Lou Engle (Call), Paul Eshleman (Jesus Film Project), Eddie James(IHOP) worship, Allen Hood (IHOP), Stuawrt Gravis (IHOP), Daniel Lim (IHOP) and Avery Willis (International Orality Network).
It was a very powerful time of intercession, partnerships and planning of the great commission.

Next week we will official start with the normal schedule and lectures.

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