Sunday, April 19, 2009

Argentina DTS Outreach

Tomorrow after noon the DTS will be head down to Argentina.
We will first be at an orphanage Hogar del Rey for 1 week. Then we will take a touring bus across the country to Mendoza, were we will be there for 3 weeks. We plan on going to to reach out to the El Campo peolpe for one week then minister around the base. Then lastly we will head back across the country to Buenos Aires were were we will be for 3 weeks. At the begining of the time Michelle one of the team leaders will be headed back to Ohio 2 1/2 weeks early. So that would leave Abbi Riggs, Jessica Cabeza and Phillip McCutcheon.
We will be arriving back to Ohio the 6th of June. The next week to follow is the debreifing and graduation from the DTS.

Stay posted. I will try and keep up with what is going on with us during the outreach.


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