Saturday, January 30, 2010

This past week has been filled with quite a bit of trial for the team.

Our main outreach this week was teaching at a local Re-hab center. Each student and staff member had chosen at least one topic on which they were to speak for 1 hour.
The topics we taught were: Quiet Times, Hearing God's Voice, The Character and Nature of God, Freedom in Christ, Purity of Heart, Lordship and Family.

It was a new experience for many of the students, to teach adults for an hour. Overall they did a fantastic job!

Unfortunately, two days into the week, one of the student was dismissed from the DTS. Not long after this, one by one, virtually each team member fell ill. Several of us were out of commission for a few days, which we took to rest and recover.

We are very appreciative of all of those who have been praying for us.

We are back into the swing of things now, having visited an orphanage today. We danced for them, performed several dramas and played various games. They thoroughly enjoyed our time with them, and so did we.

Tomorrow, we will be working with a church, and this next week we will be heading to Ongole where we will be ministering for the rest of the week.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Welcome to the blog of YWAM Dayton's September 2009 DTS outreach. We apologize for not updating you sooner, but internet access has been few and far between, and when we've had access, it's been unreliable at best.

Jan 19, 2009

Well we have made it into India to Grace Mansion YWAM India base in Bangalore on Thursday Dec 31st at 4:30am. We were welcomed warmly at the airport by 2 staff men here at the base, as well as at the base with bags of goodies and welcome cards on our bed. We were just there for 1 day and 2 nights before we left for Goa. We spent some time with God and did some outreach there. We were only there for one week before coming back to Bangalore for the rest of our outreach.

In Goa on Sunday Jan 3rd we went to a church called Christ Life Worship Center where we enjoyed a nice mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs. We also performed our drama "By Your Side” which touched a lot of people in the small congregation. Following that, we enjoyed a wonderful sermon on Jeremiah 18 about God being the potter and us being the clay. Sometimes He needs to break us in order to make something better. It was a very good sermon! :)

In the middle of the service before we went up to do our dramas we introduced ourselves and after the service there was a time of fellowship where we were able talk and get to know some of the people.

We also did a few different types of outreaches while in Goa. One was that all week we went to help out at YWAM Goa’s pre-school, working with the slum children there. We helped the teachers there by showing the children how to name pictures of animals and vehicles in English, which they were already learning. There were saying the ABC’s and numbers up to 30, 50 or 100 depending on the ages of the classes, which were split up into 3, 4 and 5 year olds. We were also singing songs and playing games with them at the end of the short 4 hour days.

The other main form of outreach that we did in Goa was going to a slum area where we prayer walked around it before meeting with the local kids, and giving balloons to them (Sean‘s idea).

In our 'Open Airs' we did our 3 dramas “By Your Side”, “Sin Chair” and “Creation” as well as our hip hop dance performance “Crosssover" in front of a hindu temple (using their outlets for power), it was powerful!

There were good amounts of children and adults to watch and listen to us. There were more children than adults who came to watch what we were doing, but the adults seemed to be the ones who were more impacted.

After our last drama, “Creation“, Ranae explained it and presented the gospel, inviting anyone who would want to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour to do so.

There was a small group of young adult men who decided to come up to get prayer,
which was awesome! After we started praying for them, there were about 20 more people including children who came up. Praise the Lord!

The following Sunday we went back to that same slum area, again starting out with worship songs in their language, which a few of the Indian YWAMers lead as well as the “By Your Side” drama and the “Crossover” dance we did again.

We had a call to repentance again then in their language, (having translators the last time we were there). We had more children than the last time who came up for prayer there were a few adults come up this time, too. All Glory goes to God for all of this! It was absolutely nothing that we did but all that God did with the conviction of the Holy Spirit. We are His vessels, and are grateful to be used by Him.

Jan 21,2010

We left Goa on Mon Jan 11th by train at 8pm on Monday and were back in Bangalore at 8pm on Sunday by 12:15pm. It’s nice having it not so hot and humid here like Goa was, it’s a warm 70-80 degrees and comfortable here, which is a good change. This week back was a pretty light one, the only outreach we did was on Friday going to a Christian orphanage called The House of Faith. There we played games like "The Balloon Stomp”, “Sharks and Minnows” and “Link Tag’ which they all were a lot of fun to them. After that we came inside and had a time of worship as well as the 3 dramas “Sin Chair“, “Creation”, “By Your Side” and the dance performance “Crossover.”

At the end we had a time of prayer for anyone who wanted to accept Christ. Fortunately they all seemed like they already were Christians, unless there were some children who were too shy to speak, since I (Amy speaking) believe there was one boy who had accepted Christ after we had a prayer time in small groups for anyone who wanted prayer for anything. I could tell just by the look on his face and the tears (Happy tears!) :) that he tried to keep in while they were all doing a song performance for us. All of the children wanted prayer, for whatever they needed which was awesome!

At the end, the leaders in the orphanage also had the children and them pray for us by us getting in the middle of a circle they made around us. It was cool how they did that, praying together in unison. That’s how the Indians pray around here, I think it’s neat. :) So that outreach there went very well with 30-50 children. Praise the Lord for good responses for prayer!

This week (Jan 18-22) has been a busy one with outreach starting on Sunday with going to a Christian church in the slums. Tony lead them in worship and we did the 2 skits “Sin Chair” and “By Your Side”. We had prayer at the end of that, too and there was a great response with that as well with almost the whole congregation coming up. I don’t know if it was just to accept Christ or if it was just to get prayer for anything they needed, because the prayer was in their language, not translated for us.

That same afternoon we went back to the same place and did outreached some more, there by participating with them in songs (even though we didn’t know them, with them singing in their language), but it was really cool hearing them sing in their own language (which was not hindi, but Kanada, I think if I remember that name right) We also did the skits “Creation” again and “Catch All” as well as the fun motion song “Pat Pat Patty Pat”.

Monday was our day off and Tuesday we went to that church again were we worked with the youth and Jake gave a message about being people after God’s own heart. He spoke primarily from 1 Samuel 16.

On Wednesday we went to a different slum area where we did prayer walks, praying for people on the way who new the women that were with us. We were with Nancy and Rachel, two Indian YWAM India leaders who could translate our prayers for them. It was cool seeing 3 adults who stopped us wanting us to pray for them. We also got invited into 3 different mud hut homes where were we able to pray for people in there, too.

When we got to a big open area, that was were we did the skits in the open air. We did “Sin Chair”, “Catch All” and “Creation“. Amy (I) debriefed "Sin Chair” telling them what it meant, Sean debriefed “Catch All” and Shane debriefed “Creation”. We just had a basic time of prayer since it was getting dark. They were very attentive to the skits, which was good. I think the second best thing about that night next to praying for people was hearing the children chant “Jesus Power: Super Power!!!!” as they were waiting for the skits to start. :)

Well that’s all for now…

For His Glory.