Saturday, January 30, 2010

This past week has been filled with quite a bit of trial for the team.

Our main outreach this week was teaching at a local Re-hab center. Each student and staff member had chosen at least one topic on which they were to speak for 1 hour.
The topics we taught were: Quiet Times, Hearing God's Voice, The Character and Nature of God, Freedom in Christ, Purity of Heart, Lordship and Family.

It was a new experience for many of the students, to teach adults for an hour. Overall they did a fantastic job!

Unfortunately, two days into the week, one of the student was dismissed from the DTS. Not long after this, one by one, virtually each team member fell ill. Several of us were out of commission for a few days, which we took to rest and recover.

We are very appreciative of all of those who have been praying for us.

We are back into the swing of things now, having visited an orphanage today. We danced for them, performed several dramas and played various games. They thoroughly enjoyed our time with them, and so did we.

Tomorrow, we will be working with a church, and this next week we will be heading to Ongole where we will be ministering for the rest of the week.

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